Do You Want To Be A Truly World Class Coach?

Our L1 Coaching Certification Is

The Perfect Place To Start

Do you feel like you’ve never quite matched up to the best PT’s in the gym?

Do you find clients never seem to stay as long as you’d like them to?

Do you feel like every other PT is just way better than you, gets better results than you, and has a much more attractive girlfriend than you?

Ok, maybe not the last one, but you get the point.

Most trainers feel this way for a very simple reason. They have a hobby, not a career. They like training themselves, didn’t know what else to do with their lives, took their L3 PT qualification, and stopped getting any better right there and then. So, are you just another PT with a hobby? Or do you want to actually treat fitness as a career?

I have a suspicion you want a career because you’re bothering to read this right now.

Which means you actually give a fuck. You already stand out in the shit show that is the fitness industry. So then, why do you still have so many doubts about yourself?

  • Why do you worry about clients leaving while you’re having dinner?

  • Why do you question whether your programming is actually getting your clients the results they deserve?

  • Why can’t you shake that nagging voice that says you don’t really know what you’re talking about in the middle of a session or check in?

Want to know the brutal but honest answer?

You don’t know enough yet. And worse than that, you don’t know how to cut through the 18 million different opinions you see on Instagram and TikTok.

  • Should all your clients training be lengthened partials?

  • Should you never give out a meal plan?

  • Should you lower your clients calories yet? Or add in some cardio?

  • Should you band everything? Or nothing?

  • Should you do a higher volume or top set/back off set?

  • How do you handle a client leaving? Is it your fault?

  • Do they have a thyroid problem? Or are they lying?

  • Are they lying to you or to themselves?

  • What should you do in your clients first session?

  • What assessments should you do?

  • What cues should you give?

The list goes on and on…

Honestly? I’ve not said anything there you’ve not thought to yourself a hundred times over.

So, the good news is you care. And that’s important because we can’t make you want to be better. That’s the one thing you have to bring yourself. But the bad news is you’re going to need more skill and more experience. Thankfully, that’s exactly what we’re here to help you with.

the job of a Personal Trainer is not to be right, it’s to be helpful.

We’re not here to waste time talking about the “scientifically correct” way of doing something. Not because we dislike science but because you’re not a scientist, you’re a trainer. You’re not a researcher, you’re a trainer. You’re helping Sharon from accounts deal with a knee replacement, two teenage kids, and an over reliance on wine as a fuel source. Which paper should you turn to for that? And would it change if I told you she drank too much because her husband died? Do you think a conversation about macros matters here?

And she’s real, by the way. As is Ross, with his 7 years of chronic back pain. And Chris, with her breast cancer, hip replacement, and successful photo shoot prep at the age of 60. And so is Jonno, and Ian, and Ally, and Max, and Sarah, and Refik, and Kev, and a thousand other people we’ve coached both in person and online.

We’ve done your job for nearly 30 years combined. We know what works and what doesn’t because we’ve done basically everything worth doing, and a bunch of shit that wasn’t worth doing.

We’ve had clients follow meal plans and then we’ve not provided meal plans because “we weren’t dieticians”.

We’ve had every client Squat, Bench, & Deadlift regardless of their age, preference, or ability because everyone had to do those moves.

We’ve done high volume, low volume, drop sets, Myo-reps, and basically every set/rep scheme under the sun.

We’ve followed Brad Schoenfeld, Mike Israetal, Eric Helms, Alan Aragon, Lyle McDonald, Charles Poliquin, Bret Contreras, Paul Chek, and at least a hundred others.

We’ve spent years on PubMed and cited everything that came out of our mouths.

We’ve been down the supplement rabbit hole, given everyone the Functional Movement Screen, swung Kettlebells like Pavel Tsatsouline, giant setted with Milos Sarcev, and thought machines were laughable because they didn’t train the ‘stabiliser’ muscles.

I’d like to sit here and say that’s all we’ve done, but I promise you, we’re only scratching the surface of both the good and bad shit we’ve done over the years. I’ll let Jimbo tell you about his coffee enema another time…

Here’s the thing though…

Too many trainers look up to researchers who’ve never done a day’s work as a PT.

We want to help you turn this hobby into a career. We want you to get great results for you and your clients, whether that’s a 25 year old hitting a photoshoot or helping an 80 year old move without pain. We want you to be confident with whoever walks through that door, no matter what. And we want you to earn great money while doing so.

To earn 50k per year, you only need 10-20 clients.

You don’t need to be great at marketing, sales, or content creation to get to that number…

You just need to be
great at your job.

Honestly, earning well in this industry should be easy for you.

20 sessions/week at £50/session is 4k a month.
You need between 10-15 clients for this.

30 sessions/week at £33/session is also 4k a month.
You need around 20 clients to achieve this.

That’s fuck all really. And that’s the lower tier of what you should aim at once you’re great at your job. You should be doing 20 sessions at £50-100 per hour (depending on where in the country or world you are). That’s between 4-8k per month right there. You might also have an online business with another 20 clients at £200 per month, which is another £4k/month.

20 online clients at £200/month is 4k a month.

30 online clients at £225/month is 6.75k a month.

40 online clients at £250/month is 10k a month.

You might decide to run classes because you like them. You might go all in online. You might like the hybrid approach. You might stay entirely in person. Whatever you decide to do with your career - almost all of your long term success comes down to being great at what you do. So, if the only thing that motivates you is money, this isn’t the course for you, and we’re not the people for you. Go hang out with a sleazy ass business mentor with no coaching skills instead.

Now, don’t get us wrong. We absolutely want you to earn great money. We just demand that you give a fuck while doing it. In other words, we don’t want to create carpenters who can talk all the talk but can’t saw a piece of wood. We don’t want to create plumbers who can advertise like a beast but can’t fix the leak under the sink. And we don’t want to create PT’s and Online Coaches who can’t keep clients for more than 3 months because they suck at their fucking job.

We’re not here to churn out salesmen. We don’t want to flash Lamborghini’s, Rolexes, and a Dubai lifestyle for the sake of looking successful on Instagram. Not because we can’t…

We have a couple of Rolexes, have been to Dubai more than a few times, have travelled halfway round the world and more, have a series of rental properties that earns us money while we sleep, and have each built 6 figure businesses.

But that’s not what drives us. At least not by itself. We want to help coaches change the dog-shit standard of our industry.  Because our job can change peoples lives. Your job can genuinely change someone’s life. That feeling when someone loses 50 kg and likes what they see in the mirror for the first time is worth its weight in gold. Watching someone who used to be in chronic pain play with their kids is a wonderful feeling. Helping someone find themselves again after they lost half their life to depression is about as rewarding as it gets.

So here is how you can be fucking brilliant at your job


Here's What's In It:

  • Immediately Useable Tweaks - Steal our top tips to improve Squats, Hinges, Pushes, Pulls, & Split Squats for different people, so you never feel clueless and worried when your client asks you why they can’t do an ass to grass squat.

  • Training Templates - Every great coach has a templates they individualise from - steal ours for Gen Pop clients & beyond so you can be 100% sure you’re starting from the right point with each and every client you work with.

  • An Intro To Force & Torque - Let's demystify biomechanics and show you what's actually going on inside the exercises you give to your clients.

  • Our Take On Client Centric Coaching - With real examples of how we handle clients in real life situations - this isn't abstract theory, it's real life.

  • Mapping Out Client Journeys - Showing a client a clear future is one of the easiest ways to improve buy in and longevity so both you and the client see a journey that goes beyond 8 weeks.

  • Mapping Out Different PT Careers - We'll show you a bunch of different career paths and how to achieve them so you can create the career that most appeals to you.

  • How Sessions Should Look & Run - How we run our actual 1:1 client sessions so you can copy and deliver truly world class coaching.

  • How To Do Online & Face to Face Check Ins - So you can live up to the expectations your clients should have of world class coaching.

  • How To Manage Your Diary & Scheduling - It's easy to end up with a work/life balance that completely sucks as a PT and isn't productive. We're going to show you how we do it so you don’t burn out or procrastinate.

  • In Person Lead Generation - How to pick up clients with simple, actionable steps so you can generate income whenever you need it from the gym floor.

  • Online Lead Generation - How to build a business that will generate clients when you’re not working or even on holiday.

  • Online Content Creation - How to make content that doesn't completely suck so the right clients come to you feeling like they like, know, and trust you.

  • Final Quiz For The Certification - So we can sign off on the fact you’re now a PT Project Level One certified coach.

Here’s what people say about us…

And We Didn't Even Have To Pay Them...

If you want to become a better coach then you need to spend time with coaches who are better than you, have experienced the things you’re going through, and have tried & tested ways of getting through it. If you want to be the best coach you can then you should book on. You'd be hard pressed to not take anything of value from The PT Project. What have you got to lose?

Jason Lee

It’ll be the best investment ever. The PT Project provides SO much value and really focuses on all the things that it takes to be a good PT, not just biomechanics or business.

Ishika Rai

You'll learn more in a day with The PT Project than you will on most courses out there. The guys have an infectious desire to deliver the very best coaching and education possible & genuinely give a shit about helping coaches be the best they can be.

Jack Curtis

If you want to take your training, coaching, knowledge and confidence to the next level, I would highly recommend The PT Project. You’ll learn in a friendly, supportive environment, and you’ll see training in a completely new and exciting way. It’ll only elevate your results for yourself and your clients.

Holly Davage

Stop messing about and get on the course already. It's super useful and gives you a new set of eyes with clients to find solutions that you didn't know were there!

Jake Meays

Go for it! You have nothing to lose, only knowledge, information and understanding to gain! A lot of the complex ideas are made very simple and easy to understand, and the nature of the course attracts like minded and ambitious coaches who all want to learn, so it’s a great environment to put yourself in if you want to develop your knowledge and business!

Danny Williams

Stop being a miserable bastard. The learning never ends and it’s tax deductible, so basically, its costing you fuck all. The fitness industry is full of hillbillies and drama queens nowadays. These are the real courses you want to be doing. The ones that matter and will make you stand out from the TikTok divas.

Gavy Cusack

If you want the confidence to better explain the what and why to your clients and cut through the abundance of bullshit out there. James and Paul are your guys.

Matt Cooper

Not only will you learn loads of cool things, I’ve personally found that applying them to my own training and to my clients has ignited a fire back into how I feel about coaching.

Charlie Mountford

Consider the cost of accumulating this amount of knowledge, streamlining it into actionable gold, and delivering it for these prices… I wish this was around when I started out 12 years ago… It helps any coach of any level.

Pete Elliot

Both Paul and James are professional, non judgemental, and helpful with their approaches and education. There’s absolutely no way you wouldn't walk away with better methods to help your clients.

Grant Fulick

Do it you melon. You learn an incredible amount that's taught in an easy to digest manner by great coaches who have walked the walk. And it's a tax deductible expense because fuck the tax man.

Charlie Wanstall

These boys are up there with the best in the business at what they do! You’ll be in safe hands

Ryan Robinson

Both guys are very knowledgeable and it shows. I’ve done courses in the past and felt like the answers were robotic and repetitive. James & Paul compliment each other really well and talk to you on a human level.

Emmett Bowes

You’ll not only learn a tonne of cool stuff, but you’ll also learn how to apply and communicate it. And not just to Dave the bodybuilder who wants to take his training to the next level, but to Sandra, the general gym enthusiast, who’s suffered with knee pain for as long as she can remember. You’ll have some laughs, you’ll make some great connections, and you’ll feel inspired to get cracking.

Ben Carmichael-Sitch

I have already recommended the course to a number of colleagues. It was recommended to me by a colleague who I have a lot of respect for and has advanced my knowledge, understanding and skills immeasurably.

Matthew Saxon

So, you’re probably wondering just how much you need to invest in this course and be in the top 1% of personal trainers in the world.

Well… ordinarily we charge £150 per hour of our time for one-on-one. Private Mentoring with either one of us costs from £400 per month. If you were to cover all the material in this course with both of us in a 1:1 setting it would cost you well over £4000.

However, you get all this for just £299.

If this course helps you get just 2 online clients at £150 per month, it will cover its cost within a month. If it helps you retain 2 in-person clients at £40 per hour for an extra month, it will more than justify the investment.

Let me keep being blunt with you – you're standing at a crossroads with two potential outcomes. One where you choose to invest in yourself, and one where you don't. These paths don't look alike.

Path 1 looks the same as the last 12 months of your PT career.

One where you’ll continue to wake up worrying that your clients have realised you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about and have left you for a better coach. One where you continue to work utterly shit hours for less money than a manager at McDonalds. One where you’re so terrified to take a holiday that you don’t, in case your clients figure out they don’t need you and leave just as soon as you get on the plane. One where you continue to hope that trending audio will magically fix your so called online business. In short, one where you’re no further ahead than you were this time last year.

Path 2 looks different.

It’s one where you take time off to travel and relax without worrying how you’re going to pay the bills when you get back. One where you regularly get the type of results that keep your clients coming back for years. One where you don’t second guess every programming decision you write. One where you easily and quickly assess client technique and know how to fix their issues. One where you have a career, not a hobby.

We wanted to create a course to show you what your future could look like.

We wanted an affordable introduction to what we do and how we do it so you could see for yourself whether we’re worth investing in.

The Level 2 course represents a more extensive, mentor-guided exploration of the essential skills for a truly thriving career. Now, ask yourself a straightforward question: Would you like the version of you three months, six months, or a year from now to be in a significantly better position than you are today? It all comes down to this:

Is that improvement worth £299 to you?

Consider this: if increased confidence in dealing with clients is valuable to you, would that alone be worth £299?

Imagine the future-you looking back and thinking, "I'm damn glad I took that step." Would that reflection be worth £299 to you?

And if not, are you so proficient at your job that there's nothing you couldn't learn or enhance for just £299?

Let's be real – if you've invested time reading client reviews and sales copy and are still here, chances are you see room for growth.

So, the question is straightforward: Do you believe you're worth a £299 investment in yourself?

Remember, there's a version of you that invests in personal development.

And a version that doesn't.

Do we really need to spell out which one leads to a better outcome?

Paul Standell


Upon sign up, the course is time released, meaning you get access to week one immediately. A week later you get access to week two, then week three, then week four.

When you’re ready and have finished the course, you will be able to access the quiz at the end.

If you pass this, you will be PT Project L1 Coaching Certification qualified.


If you have any questions, please reach out to

and we’d be happy to answer anything for you.

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