The Biomechanics Course

Master Biomechanics: Transform Your Training Skills Today

Change Your Career Right Now

develop the most important skill a Personal Trainer can have

The Biomechanics Course:

From Confusion to Confidence

Biomechanics is simlpy Forces applied to Anatomy, so we're going to teach you Forces & Anatomy.

Biomechanics is a topic that’s often over-complicated & poorly taught

As a result, one that can seem intimidating and off-putting rather than exciting and empowering.

That’s something we're desperate to change

Feel confused when it comes to terms like moment arms and resistance profiles?

Maybe you’re overwhelmed or unsure how to apply the concepts within Biomechanics?

Or maybe you’re embarrassed when you can't properly answer your clients questions about exercises and programming?

This is where we come in

This completely online course provides PT’s, Online Coaches and even enthusiastic amateurs, a truly applicable, and actually understandable, introduction to the wonderful world of Biomechanics.

Discover how to make the absolute most of every single rep.

Master the art of matching an exercise to a person, rather than just crowbarring them into the exact same method regardless.

Learn how to create a truly undeniable exercise experience.

This is where we come in

This completely online course provides PT’s, Online Coaches and even enthusiastic amateurs, a truly applicable, and actually understandable, introduction to the wonderful world of Biomechanics.

Discover how to make the absolute most of every single rep.

Master the art of matching an exercise to a person, rather than just crowbarring them into the exact same method regardless.

Learn how to create a truly undeniable exercise experience.

Beginning Or Mastering Biomechanics

Clients don’t care about what you know. They care about what you can do for them. Knowing words like 'Moment Arm' doesn’t mean anything unless you’re able to see them where it matters - in the gym or when watching clients training online. Hell, being able to see them doesn’t matter either unless you know what to do with them. How do you adjust them, play with them, and change them to change an exercise? That’s the kind of skill we want to teach you.

Discover the world of force and torque and what it means for every exercise we do

Learn how to break down and analyse any machine you come across in any gym in the world

You can't understand how to train human beings unless you understand their anatomy

over 30 hours of recorded material spread over more than 300 videos

Here's Everything You Get Here

What's included:

287 easy to digest videos: To watch and digest at your own pace

8 Bonus Recorded Video: Over 8 hours of Paul & James answering questions about Biomechanics from other PT's & Online Coaches.

More than 30 hours of total education : To watch at your own pace, make notes and refresh your knowledge.

Course workbooks: To ensure you really get to grips with the material

This course will help you explore and master the most important skill any personal trainer can have - training!

Total Cost - £450

That's less than £2 per video.

For the less than the cost of a coffee you can transform your skillset.

Or you could just drink coffee and stay where you are...

This Course Might Just Transform Your Entire Coaching Business

we're Here to help you explore & Master the most important skill any personal trainer can have - training!

If you want to be a great trainer you can’t afford to suck at biomechanics because biomechanics is at the heart of everything we do as trainers - training!

Training is biomechanics. Biomechanics is training. There’s no difference between those two terms.

Biomechanics is just a fancy way of describing how forces meet your anatomy.We get that this field can seem a little intimidating, perhaps even a little confusing. Maybe, like Paul’s ex-girlfriend, you once thought that it was just some “nerds playing with bands”.You couldn’t be more wrong.If you don’t understand how forces interact with anatomy, you’ll never be able to adjust an exercise in precisely the right way to get the right response for the client in front of you

We want to pass on our knowledge without confusing or scaring you because we want you to be truly awesome trainers, not just ones who sound like they are.

This course will provide you with plenty of knowledge, but most importantly, it'll provide you with a framework for the application of that knowledge.

Before The Course

Confused by biomechanics

Lacking in confidence

Unsure how to apply anything

Using the same exercises for everyone

After The Course

A deep understanding of exercise

Huge confidence in your skillset and ability

The ability to apply and adjust any exercise for anyone

Using exercises that truly suit the individual


You will take away so much more than is advertised or anticipated

"You will take away so much more than is advertised or anticipated. You’ll not only learn a tonne of cool stuff, but you’ll also learn how to apply and communicate it. And not just to Dave the bodybuilder who wants to take his training to the next level, but to Sandra, the general gym enthusiast, who’s suffered with knee pain for as long as she can remember."

Ben Carmichael Sitch


The very best coaching and education possible

The entire team have an infectious desire to deliver the very best coaching and education possible & genuinely give a shit about helping coaches be the best they can be. Go with a willingness to learn, ask as many questions as you can & don't miss out on what these guys have to offer!

Jack Curtis


I would highly recommend!

If you want to take your training, coaching, knowledge and confidence to the next level, I would highly recommend. You will learn in a friendly and supportive environment, and see training in a completely new and exciting way. It will only elevate your results, both for yourself and your clients.

Holly Davage


Here's The Course Breakdown

A week-by-week breakdown of the course

Module 1: Introduction

An introduction to Force & Torque, Resistance & Strength Profiles, & why Biomechanics even matters.

Module 2: Exploration

Exploring Resultants, continuing our exploration of Moment Arm’s, and considering the Path of Motion.

Module 3: Lever Arms & Force Angles

Introducing Lever Arms and Force Angles and what they mean for both us and the resistance we’re fighting.

Module 4: Machine Analysis

This is a big topic so let’s just dive right in and begin to break down and understand the world of gym machinery. Once you’ve been through this, you’ll appreciate why 20kg on one machine, isn’t always 20kg on another one.

Module 5: Elbow & Knee Anatomy

Introducing the anatomy of both the Elbow and the Knee, as well as how we can train them effectively.

Module 6: Hip Anatomy

Exploring Hip anatomy before moving on to how to train these joints and their surrounding muscles effectively.

Module 7: Shoulder Anatomy

Exploring Shoulder anatomy before moving on to how to train these joints and their surrounding muscles effectively.

Module 8: Exploration of Programming

We now put it all together with a truly in depth exploration of programming using everything that we've learnt so far.


Join The PT Project's Biomechanics Course

Let's Break Down Exercise and Elevate Your Training Expertise